Alliance Patti & Peter Neuwirth Leadership Academy

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Code of Conduct

Alliance Patti & Peter Neuwirth Leadership Academy student responsibilities will include, but not be limited to:

Unacceptable student behavior will include, but not be limited to:


Students who violate the school rules are subject, but not limited to:


Any student who engages in repeated violations of the Alliance Patti & Peter Neuwirth Leadership Academy behavior will be required to attend a meeting with the school’s staff and the student’s parent.  Alliance Patti & Peter Neuwirth Leadership Academy will prepare a specific, written remediation agreement outlining future student conduct expectations, timelines and consequences for failure to meet the expectations.


Suspension and Expulsion
Students who present an immediate threat to the health and safety of others may be suspended or expelled.  A written remediation plan will be prepared that clearly describes progressive discipline measure, grounds for suspension and expulsion, minimum /maximum number of consecutive days of suspension, notification process to parents of suspension, reasons for suspension, appeal process, length of suspension, and provision for student’s education while suspended.

A student may be suspended or expelled for any of the acts enumerated in this section, related to school activity or school attendance, that occur at any time, including, but not limited to, any of the following:


Reasons for Suspension
Alliance Patti & Peter Neuwirth Leadership Academy may suspend a student for any of the following reasons as specified in the California Education Code Section 48900:


Reasons for Expulsion
Students may be expelled from Alliance Patti & Peter Neuwirth Leadership Academy for any of the following reasons as specified in the California Education Code Section 48915:


Process for Suspension and/or Expulsion

Informal Conference:

Suspension will be preceded by an informal conference conducted by the administrative staff, with the student and the student’s parent.  The conference may be omitted if the administrative staff determines that an emergency situation exists.  An “emergency situation” involves a clear and present danger to the lives, safety or health of students or school personnel.  If the student is suspended without conference, the parent will be notified of the suspension and a conference will be requested as soon as possible. 

Notice to Parents:

At the time of suspension, a school employee will make a reasonable effort to contact the parent by telephone or in person to be followed up with a written notification.  This notice will state the specific offense committed by the student.  In addition, the notice may also state the date and time the student may return to school.  If the school officials wish to ask the parent to confer regarding matters pertinent to the suspension, the notice may note that the parents are required to respond to this request without delay and that violation of school rules can result in expulsion from school.

 Length of Suspension:

The length of suspension for students may not exceed a period of 10 continuous days unless an administrative recommendation has been made and agreed to by the student’s parent.  If a student is recommended for a period of suspension exceeding 10 continuous days, a second conference will be scheduled with the parent to discuss the progress of the suspension upon the completion of the 10th day of suspension.  All arrangements will be made to provide the student with classroom material and current assignments to be completed at home during the length of the suspension.

Recommendations for Expulsion:

Students will be recommended for expulsion if the administrative staff finds that at least one of the following findings may be substantiated:

a)      Other means of correction are not feasible or have repeatedly failed to bring about proper conduct.

b)      Due to the nature of the violation, the presence of the student causes a continuing danger to the physical safety of the student or others.

Expulsion Hearing:

Students recommended for expulsion are entitled to a hearing to determine whether the student should be expelled.  The hearing will be held within 30 days after the administrative staff determines that an act subject to expulsion has occurred.  The hearing may be presided over by the Board of Directors or an administrative hearing panel appointed by the Board of Directors or an administrative hearing panel appointed by the Board.

 Written notice of the hearing will be forwarded to the student and the student’s parent at least 10 calendar days before the date of the hearing.  The notice will include:

a)      The date and place of the hearing;

b)      A statement of the specific facts, charges and offense upon which the proposed expulsion is based;

c)      A copy of Alliance Patti & Peter Neuwirth Leadership Academy’s  disciplinary rules that relate to the alleged violation; and

d)      The opportunity for the student or the student’s parent to appear in person at the hearing.


Written notice to expel a student will be sent by the administrative staff to the parent of any student who is expelled.  This notice will include the following:

a)      The specific offense committee by the student for any of the acts listed in “Reasons for Suspension and /or Expulsion.”

b)      Notice of the student or parent’s obligation to inform any new district in which the student seeks to enroll, of the student’s status with Alliance Patti & Peter Neuwirth Leadership Academy.

Appeal of Suspension or Expulsion
The suspension or expulsion of a student will be at the discretion of the administrative staff of Alliance Patti & Peter Neuwirth Leadership Academy (or the administrative staff designee).  Parents will be notified in advance to enactment of the suspension or expulsion and can appeal a student’s suspension or expulsion.  A suspension appeal will be heard by the administrative staff, and upon consideration, the administrative staff’s decision is final.  An expulsion may be appealed within five working days.  The student will be considered suspended until a meeting is convened to hear the appeal (within ten working days) at which time the student’s parent must attend to present their appeal.  The appeal will be heard by a fair and impartial panel of representatives assigned by the Board of Directors. The decision of the panel of representatives of the Board of Directors will be final.

 In the event of a decision to expel a student from Alliance Patti & Peter Neuwirth Leadership Academy, the school will work cooperatively with the district of residence, county, and/or private schools to assist with the appropriate educational placement of the student who has been expelled.  Any incident of violence and /or serious student behavior will be communicated to the district/school to which the student matriculates.